Friday, August 14, 2009


As a kid, this just meant a color to me... reaching adulthood it meant the $bucks$... and today, as a responsible individual (yeah, its good to believe so :D), the first thought it triggers is "protect the environment"

It goes back to a casual comic reading episode, during primary school days, when two interesting words caught my eye; interesting at that time and heart-sinking now - "Global Warming". At that time, I was proud of my newly-gained vocabulary and was fascinated by other terms too like, chlorofluorocarbons. It had an onomatopoeic effect then and I loved saying it again & again... Sadly, this episode just passed away and made no contribution other than helping me with some general knowledge trivia at school...

I am sure there are a lot of us out there - proud of just being aware that the human race is harming the environment, but not really making any contribution towards protecting it. But just the way I have been triggered to actually try to make a difference, I am hoping many more stagnant minds feel the same and start taking steps.

What do I actually do for mother earth? Nothing great yet.. small steps... its beginning... it has started and will go a long way.........

-- Use my very own ceramic cup at work, instead of using the disposable not-environment-friendly plastic cups
-- Hit the "go paperless" on all my bank accounts online
-- Everytime at wawa (my lunch place) when the register clerk asks me "Do you need a bag" I go "NO!"
-- One of the things I surf online is "go green" and look for activities I can do & environment-friendly changes I can bring to my lifestyle... There is a lot of information out there!
-- Unforgettably separate out my recyclable and non-recyclable thrash
-- And initiate writing on this :)

It has just started... Looking forward to being a more active contributor... Plant trees.... promote Eco-friendly products... Spread the word.... Read more, learn more, educate others more and act more..... It will go a long way... Go G.R.E.E.N!


Yash said...

Vow Bharti,

Your efforts and thoughts are indeed an example for other young professionals like you. Spread the message and the world will change at lightning speed.

Keep up the good work and share with us what else you did to be "green".


Bharti said...

Thanks Yash - hope we all can really make a difference.