Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Gratitude post

So well, yeah, the eNotes didn't work... the thoughts do though!

Time for a post dedicated to thankfulness - Its just another trick to be happy! To feel blessed, and to feel lucky!

Here I go then,

I am thankful for my the great upbringing I have got from my parents - yeah I messed up a lot of times, but it always pulled me together... and kept me going :)

I am thankful for all my friends - they all mean a hell lot to me.. what would I be without 'em! They make my life complete. The one's I am in touch with, and even the one's I have lost touch with - they all contributed something positive to my life....

I am thankful for the strength I feel, the independence I live, the passion I bear and the courage I possess.

I am also thankful for my deep emotions, they make me connect with myself, with people around and let me indulge - good or bad, I do not know! But I am glad I'm not another cold-hearted human, thankful for the compassion!

Thankful for the abilities endowed upon me... professional or personal.... The one's that I am not doing justice with though.... oh talk about guilt!

Thankful for all the opportunities I am coming across in my my age...

Thankful for growing stronger day by day - and thankful to this one person, who shows me a new way of happiness (though keeps himself out of the way!)

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