Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Gratitude post

So well, yeah, the eNotes didn't work... the thoughts do though!

Time for a post dedicated to thankfulness - Its just another trick to be happy! To feel blessed, and to feel lucky!

Here I go then,

I am thankful for my the great upbringing I have got from my parents - yeah I messed up a lot of times, but it always pulled me together... and kept me going :)

I am thankful for all my friends - they all mean a hell lot to me.. what would I be without 'em! They make my life complete. The one's I am in touch with, and even the one's I have lost touch with - they all contributed something positive to my life....

I am thankful for the strength I feel, the independence I live, the passion I bear and the courage I possess.

I am also thankful for my deep emotions, they make me connect with myself, with people around and let me indulge - good or bad, I do not know! But I am glad I'm not another cold-hearted human, thankful for the compassion!

Thankful for the abilities endowed upon me... professional or personal.... The one's that I am not doing justice with though.... oh talk about guilt!

Thankful for all the opportunities I am coming across in my my age...

Thankful for growing stronger day by day - and thankful to this one person, who shows me a new way of happiness (though keeps himself out of the way!)

Friday, August 14, 2009


As a kid, this just meant a color to me... reaching adulthood it meant the $bucks$... and today, as a responsible individual (yeah, its good to believe so :D), the first thought it triggers is "protect the environment"

It goes back to a casual comic reading episode, during primary school days, when two interesting words caught my eye; interesting at that time and heart-sinking now - "Global Warming". At that time, I was proud of my newly-gained vocabulary and was fascinated by other terms too like, chlorofluorocarbons. It had an onomatopoeic effect then and I loved saying it again & again... Sadly, this episode just passed away and made no contribution other than helping me with some general knowledge trivia at school...

I am sure there are a lot of us out there - proud of just being aware that the human race is harming the environment, but not really making any contribution towards protecting it. But just the way I have been triggered to actually try to make a difference, I am hoping many more stagnant minds feel the same and start taking steps.

What do I actually do for mother earth? Nothing great yet.. small steps... its beginning... it has started and will go a long way.........

-- Use my very own ceramic cup at work, instead of using the disposable not-environment-friendly plastic cups
-- Hit the "go paperless" on all my bank accounts online
-- Everytime at wawa (my lunch place) when the register clerk asks me "Do you need a bag" I go "NO!"
-- One of the things I surf online is "go green" and look for activities I can do & environment-friendly changes I can bring to my lifestyle... There is a lot of information out there!
-- Unforgettably separate out my recyclable and non-recyclable thrash
-- And initiate writing on this :)

It has just started... Looking forward to being a more active contributor... Plant trees.... promote Eco-friendly products... Spread the word.... Read more, learn more, educate others more and act more..... It will go a long way... Go G.R.E.E.N!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ah ! Its all about MOODS.....

Staying idle for most of the time in this lazy summer, makes me think more than work ! And of course, the thinking process triggers the writing process ;)

Since a few days, I have been thinking about all the stuff I want to accomplish.. Oh well ya ! Don't we all... There is so much to achieve... So much to do... So many desires and dreams... Some small ones, some major ones, some real easy, some difficult.. some interesting and some 'don't-feel-like-doing' kinds...

Planning !! The easiest way out to save yourself from the guilt of wasting time... hehe :P.. I do a lot of that... (Implementation is so so far off :( sigh !!) However, I noticed one more thing... I realized how much the "Human Mood" controls us !

Well, everytime that I sat to reflect on myself, the way I thought of the same things seemed so different... I have sincerely started to believe it now that everything seems wrong in a bad mood ! This aint any new discovery or something of that sort... just a realization which I intend to make use of to lead a happier life....

Its good to never ever make a decision... when you are in the blues ! We can look at the same thing in a really better perspective when the mood is lighter. A fight with a friend, a mess-up at work, improper sleep, thinking of not so positive things, etc etc just spoil the being talked about emotional state or affective state - the mood !

What characterizes pessimists after all ? Looking at everything in a negative way, and what influences it the most ? the mood !

And what about a lighter happier mood ? Even the saddest situations seem light and easy to handle... Whenever you feel less confident about yourself, you will be able to track it down to a mood swing eventually... After all, confidence or no-confidence are just emotional states in the end !

Life, is too short... too short to be spent in negativity of any kind.... Of course somethings deserve a low mood... but it shouldnt be really so influential to affect anything else in life.. Isn't that we call taking it in the stride !

Its the lesson of optimism I am referring to after all... which is easy to bring to practice when you can control moods! So, the next time you feel any thing negative or low, the first thing to do is eat :P lolzz... doesn't eating cheer the mood for most of us.. hehe.. eat healthy, think better ;) Pamper yourself, get out of the unwanted bad mood.. Another suggestion, Humor ! Its a miracle, I bet ! Stimulate those tickling nerves and lo! the moods gonna be great... rather you'd be sane enough and light to think rationally....

Change the mood, dood (dude:P) and Life will not seem unfair anymore :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Quarter Life Crisis

Well, to begin with I wish to thank one of the orkut profiles I visited recently.... Not only did it instigate me to blog, but it also gave me a great input ! It feels great to be on the writing mode after almost a year...

Alrite, getting to action... 'Quarter Life Crisis' - the flick, mainly emphasised the love-life scenario, ofcourse, not against expectations ! Those who have seen it shall know what I am talking about, and for the rest, its about this guy in the quarter period of life, struggling with work and trying to know what he expects out of his personal life...... Naa, I am not going to talk about the love life here...

Being 22 today, hehe... yeah... thats just as old as i am !! Okay, so being 22 today, I am in a similar Quarter Life Crisis as the most of us.... Where's the career heading ??!!?? Who's the one for me ??!!?? Family ! Oh are they proud of me yet.. Am I contributing enough ??!!?? Do I have the right set of friends ??!!?? Gosh... There is no time ! So much to do... I'm so confused ! Am I gonna reach it ??!!?? Oops Money Money Money ! Am I really happy ??? Is this what I wanted to do !!!???!!!!!! Oh well ya... maybe I should get a bit spiritual and relax..... ! I am good all I need is a chill-pill and things shall be fine.....

Hmmm.. seems familiar for sure... Somethings we often face everyday... Confused.. Insecure.... Wandering... Thinking too much sometimes... Idling most of the times ;) With a big big tension at the back of the head all the time....

Okay, so what stage is this ?

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.

You look at your job, and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.

Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute you are insecure, and the next, secure.

You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. You long for love and peace but scared to accept it too. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try to cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

You expect a lot out of yourself and keep increasing the to-do-list everyday. And then when you fail, you surround yourself with doubt and give-up for the day, eventually realizing you have lost track of dates. Not to forget the self-pity sometimes and the helplessness sometimes. You try to pacify and please yourself by thinking about certain achievements you did, though a few years ago or something too insignificant, not realizing that you are stopping your own growth.

You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be atleast a contender !

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Life, has taken a new turn... Am an Engineer now !! wow !! feels really good... Now it feels like time flied by too fast.... though while doing engineering... it felt a drag often.... especially when stuck up with boring assignments n books :D Four years... of fun... of late nights... of friends... of college... bunking... sitting on stairs... the all time favourite canteen... the gossips.... the midnight lamp burning during the PLs... lol... n loads of other things... great memories.....

Student life, I gather, is the best to have..... And am gonna explore more avenues on that front now... USA here i come !! Beware :D

A little apprehensive, lots of anxiety, and too much of excitement.... Looking forward to a new phase of my life... One which shall teach me a lot... Responsibility, time management, hardwork ( rather smart work ;) ) , professionalism and optimum utilisation of independence :D

It aint gonna be a piece of cake, i know... Lots to take care of once im there... Lots of efforts... Will definitely realise what luxury home is !! Ofcourse the thought of being independent and responsible has its own charm... boosts up the self esteem for sure... so I guess life is offering me a nice package :D

A nice package with great opportunities.... which I hope to take real advantage of.... good work leading to good results... leading to more motivation... leading to even more good work... n i hope the cycle continues... landing me with good achievements eventually !

I firmly believe, "The me I see, is the me I'll be !! " So I hope my vision for myself keeps on inspiring me... though ironically, I dont really have set defined goals for now... But the fact is I've always been a dreamer... Fantasy always seems to attract me more than reality ! I hope to have the power to make it reality some day... Im reminded of a poem I wrote quite a long time ago... I've been dreaming since long u see ;) Here it is, for u to read.....

"I dream in the night,
with my eyes closed tight
but these dreams dont mean much
for when I open my eyes,
I hardly remember them as such....

But then there are dreams of reaching far,
the ones that I see with my eyes ajar
these are the ones I see in the light,
where I see everything going just right....

I dream of things impractical and far,
I dream of things dealt with every hour
I dream of helping those in pain,
I dream that what I wish I gain....

Dreams of the present,
Dreams of the future,
I dream of things that I long to get,
I dream of things I cant dream to get !

Dreams show me that what can be
and give me the urge to make it real,
for others to see....

Dreams though not real,
make me strive to make them real,
and even if I cant turn them to reality,
I can live through them as a virtual reality....

Dreams are the ones that give me the powers,
to make barren land bloom into flowers

And so... I dream on,
Of things that are..
Of things that are to be..
Or that are gone...
Of things that can be made real,
Of things that can be only unreal..

Though my dreams are in search of Reality....
My reality will always seek - Dreams ! "

I hope to keep dreaming big.... n then take the plunge to make it reality....

The 5 D's of success... read it somewhere... "DREAMS leading to strong DESIRES when acted upon with DEDICATION and DETERMINATION, lead to DESTINATION :) "

For now, Im doing great on the first step :D Hope to cross the other milestones too.....
Thats it for now....

More later !

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The First Post !

Hmmm... I was wondering... why it took me so long to create a blog... I've always wanted to do that... but better late than never.....

To begin with... a big thanks to someone who had been asking for it... the one who helped me start this... KK as he calls himself :D .. here u go dude !

Well... what do i start with... have had loads of experiences... looking at back at my life... I feel like " whoaa ! I've had a life full of loads of stuff " as everyone ofcourse... being 21 today... life has offered a lot... the usual phases everyone goes thru... the vast variety of people... good decisions... bad ones... happy moments.... thrilling moments... heartbreaking moments.... depressing moments... loads of it n more..... stay tuned for all of it ;)

Everyday... life has something new.... as all say... its a learning process... experience, learn, n be wise :) ... am on my way to do that as well... moving on... doing what I can... to make the best of what i have.... n then term myself as 'wise' ;)

The more I think about this... the more spiritual I tend to get... it does get scary at times :D ...I mean thinking abt life... then suddenly the human race.... n then the universe... n then space... n then all blank....with a big lump in my throat !!

Today, the present, makes me wanna do great... ( lol...I know.. nothing special.. everyone wants to do that !! ) ... just reaffirming my thoughts... motivation u see ;)

I feel like quoting Bon Jovi....

"Ohhh, if there's one thing I hang onto,
It gets me through the night.
I aint gonna do what I don't want to, Im gonna live my life.
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.
When the world gets in my face, I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day"

:) that makes me feel good n strong ! Hey no ! am not a revolutionary... nor do I intend to be... nor am I the young one with loads of surging blood to go against the rules, society, et al. Unconventional ?? I am not ! Pretty much conventional... with my own principles set for myself...

I realise... this post had no head-tail perhaps !! Am still learning u see.... may be it gave some insight on the gal behind the thoughts ....

More later !